Mathematical Modeling with LPL : Explain and run a Model
Problem Statement
Modeling Description
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model snake "6-Snakes Problem"; set i,j "set of notches"; e{i,j} "i and j are neighours"; h "set of snakes"; k "Length of snakes (ordered set of position)"; parameter J{h} "6 starting positions (heads of snake)"; binary variable z{i,h,k}; constraint A{h}: z[J,h,1] = 1; B{i}: sum{h,k} z = 1; C{h,k}: sum{i} z = 1; --D{i,h,k|k<#k}: sum{j in e} z[j,h,k+1] >= z[i,h,k]; //-Sl(1,1000); D{i,h,k|k<#k}: z[i,h,k] -> or{j in e} z[j,h,k+1]; solve; model data; set p:=1..14 "vertical lines"; q:=1..12 "horizontal lines"; parameter a{p}:=Min(6,9.5-Abs(7.5-p)) "number of notches at p"; n:=sum{p} a "total number of notches"; b{p}:=[3 2 2 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 3 4] "first y-position of the notches at p"; X{p}; {p|p>1} (X[p]:=X[p-1] + if(p%2,2/Sqrt(3),1/Sqrt(3))); i:=1..n; parameter c:=1; d; x{i} "x-coordinate"; y{i} "y-coordinate"; {p} (d:=1, while(d<=a,(x[c]:=X,y[c]:=b+2*d,d:=d+1,c:=c+1))); e{i,j|i<>j}:=Sqrt((x[i]-x[j])^2+(y[i]-y[j])^2) <= 1.2; h:=[1..6]; --J{h}:=[1 2 3 70 71 72]; //no solution? , is infeasible J{h}:=[1 29 34 39 44 50]; //ok --J{h}:=[1 29 34 39 44 50]; k:=1..12; end model output friend data; parameter PI:=3.14159; xa{h}:=x[39]-.3+7.6*Sin(PI/6+2*PI*(h-1)/6); ya{h}:=y[39]+.5+7.6*Cos(PI/6+2*PI*(h-1)/6); W{i,h}:=exist{k} z; Z{h,k}:=argmax{i} z; Draw.Scale(30,30); Draw.DefFont('Verdana',8); --Draw.DefLine('line.dash',15,3); //draw grid --{q} Draw.Line('#dash',-1,q+1,#q,q+1); --{p} Draw.Line('#dash',X,0,X,#p); --Draw.Text('(0,0)',-.75,1.9); {e[i,j]} Draw.Line(x[i],y[i],x[j],y[j]); -- {h,k|k<#k} Draw.Line(x[Z[h,k]],y[Z[h,k]],x[Z[h,k+1]],y[Z[h,k+1]],0,5,1); {i} Draw.Circle(i&'',x,y,.3,1,0); {h} Draw.Circle(J&'',x[J],y[J],.5,h+2,0); {i,h|J<>i and W} Draw.Circle(i&'',x,y,.3,h+2,0); {h} Draw.Line(xa,ya,if(h=#h,xa[1],xa[h+1]),if(h=#h,ya[1],ya[h+1]),0,3); end end
Problem Statement
Modeling Description
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The solution is as follows:
The LOG-File output of LPL is as follows: